并常添加于多种化妆品中作为溶剂,无皮肤刺激性,但面疱发生性为 4/5(越高越不好),皮肤刺激性为 1/5(越高越不好)[1]。
……为什么春娟 黄芪霜里居然有致黄的东西
ethylhexyl palmitate -- octyl palmitate, fatty acid ester derived from 2-ethylhexanol and palmitic acid.
C24H48O2. Not safe for fungal acne / Pityrosporum (Malassezia) Folliculitis.
MF: C24H48O2 MW: 368.6g/mol
Ethylhexyl palmitate is considered comedogenic and has been found to be a skin irritant, particularly when used around the eyes.
两个4/5,为什么安心度还是1,这么安心 O_O?