Chondrus Crispus Powder
Cas No:9000-07-1
Some studies have shown that many seaweed plants are acne-causing and irritating. The high content of iodine may cause skin irritation and penetrate into the pores to accelerate the growth of micro-comedones. In any case, since there are so many types of seaweed and many of them are highly processed in cosmetics, it is impossible to generalize at present, but if you are in a state of sensitive or acne skin, it is recommended to choose products containing algae carefully.
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C. crispus是角叉菜膠的工業來源,通常用作乳製品中的增稠劑和穩定劑[9],如冰淇淋[10]和加工食品,包括午餐肉。在歐洲,它表示為E407或E407b。它還可以用作印花和紙張大理石花紋中的增稠劑,以及用於澄清 啤酒或葡萄酒。愛爾蘭蘚經常與使用Mastocarpus鰈(Gigartina mamillosa),Chondracanthus acicularis(G. acicularis),和其它海藻,這些都是常見的共同成長。Carragheen和瓊脂在亞洲也用於明膠類甜點,如杏仁果凍。目前,角叉菜膠的主要來源是Kappaphycus和Eucheuma屬的熱帶海藻。[11]

在愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭的部分地區(在蘇格蘭蓋爾語中它也被稱為(An)Cairgean),在加入糖和其他調味劑如香草,肉桂,白蘭地或威士忌之前,它在牛奶中煮沸並過濾。[12]所述的最終產物是一種類似果凍的奶凍,木薯,或牛奶凍。[13]類似地,在牙買加和特立尼達和多巴哥,江蘺屬。用肉桂和牛奶煮成濃稠的飲料,稱為愛爾蘭苔蘚,據信是一種壯陽藥。[14]在委內瑞拉,它已被世世代代用作治療喉嚨痛和胸悶的家庭療法,用牛奶煮沸並在睡前服用蜂蜜。[ 引證需要 ]



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