Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
十二硫銨, 十二烷基硫酸銨, 月桂基硫酸銨
Formula: C12H29NO4S Molecular Weight: 283.43 Cas No:2235-54-3; 68081-96-9
Surfactant; Cleaning agent; Foam Booster
[1] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
[2] Human and Environemental Risk Assessment – Health Risks of Alkyl Sulfates. Retrieved 2007-01-25.
[3] 邱品齊,「認識你所不知道的藥妝品:皮膚科醫師特選篇」,大境,2010/03/18。
Chemical formula
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聽界面活性劑製造商說:Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate 比Sodium Lauryl Sulfate溫和,不知道上面說的正確還是原料商說的正確???

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ALS分子比SLS大很多,所以渗透皮肤刺激底层新生细胞的功能比较弱,因而温和性远高于SLS,上面的排序有误。正因如此,ALS被用于Aesop Parsley Seed Cleanser(敏感肌适用),Kiehl's Facial Fuel Face Wash(男用,有镇静功效为之后剃须做准备)等配方中。详情可参见

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ALS分子比SLS大很多,所以渗透皮肤刺激底层新生细胞的功能比较弱,因而温和性远高于SLS,上面的排序有误。正因如此,ALS被用于Aesop Parsley Seed Cleanser(敏感肌适用),Kiehl's Facial Fuel Face Wash(男用,有镇静功效为之后剃须做准备)等配方中。详情可参见

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Ammonium lauryl sulphate (ALS) is also an anionic surfactant used as a cleansing foaming agent but has a different molecular structure. This difference means that the ALS molecule is much larger than that of SLS and so it cannot penetrate the upper layers of the skin, making it much less irritating to the skin. Green People do not use SLS at all, and only use ALS in a very few products, all of which are designed to be rinsed off shortly after application.

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MF: C12H29NO4S MW: 283.43g/mol

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