* A naturally occurring polysaccharide that is produced from starch. Sometimes referred to as cycloamylose.
This ingredient's unique cylindrically shaped molecular structure enables it to form host-guest or inclusion complexes with a variety of materials, and thus it's employed in a variety of fields. It's used to enable drug release in pharmaceutical products, to immobilize toxicity in enviromental substances (i.e. sewage) and eliminate cholesterol in various food products.
In cosmetics, it's primarily used for its odor absorption capabilities. In addition to stabilizing fragrances, it also works to reduce the foam in a solution an enhance the solubility and delivery of other ingredients in a product. As a stabilizer that keeps other ingredients from evaporating and losing efficacy, it's often used in conjunction with vitamin A derivatives (aka retinoids) because they are very sensitive to temperature and light. For this reason, you may find this cyclodextrin in a variety of anti-aging products that contain potent, yet unstable, antioxidant ingredients. It's contained in personal care products such as anti-aging treatment, facial moisturizer/lotion, sunscreen, cleanser, eye cream, deodorant/antiperspirant and self-tanner.
Safety Measures/Side Effects:
The FDA includes this ingredient as a Generally recognized As safe (GRAS) direct food additive, and both animal and human studies have shown it to be non-toxic.
Rating: GOOD
Categories: Suspending/Dispersing Agent, Chelating Agent
Cyclodextrin is a cyclic (that’s what the “cyclo” portion of its name means) complex sugar (dextran) known as a polysaccharide. It is obtained from plants and produced for cosmetics, foods, and pharmaceuticals via biotechnology involving a reaction between enzymes and cornstarch.
Available in three different shapes depending on application need, cyclodextrin works in cosmetics as an absorbent, chelating agent, and more importantly helps stabilize, solubilize and ensure delivery of key ingredients to skin. For example, cyclodextrins can make water-soluble ingredients more oil-soluble, enhancing their penetration and bioavailability. They can also protect delicate ingredients from degradation due to light, air and heat exposure.
Since cyclodextrin is a food-grade ingredient considered safe to consume, it is also deemed safe as used in cosmetics. It’s considered non-irritating and non-sensitizing. Usage levels in cosmetics vary depending on formulary goals and ingredients being encapsulated in the cyclodextrins. A typical usage range falls between 0.3–10%.