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Posted on 2021-02-19 , Data Source: Other Website
Ingredient Function Acne Irritant Safety
0 0 1
Solvent, Viscosity Control 1
Viscosity Control 0 0 1-2
Butylene Glycol
Solvent, Fragrance, Viscosity Control, Skin conditioning, Moisturizer 1 0 1
Titanium Dioxide
Pigment, Sunscreen 0 0 6
Solvent 1
Aluminum silicate
Pigment 1-3
Dimethyl sulfone
Solvent, Viscosity Control 1
Xanthan Gum
Surfactant, Viscosity Control 1
Caprylyl Glycol
Moisturizer, Emollient 1
Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate
Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic 1
Moroccan Lava Clay
Viscosity Control 1
Viscosity Control, Antistatic, Moisturizer 1
Skin conditioning, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic 0 0 1
Citrus Junos Fruit Extract
Skin conditioning 1
Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract
Skin conditioning, Moisturizer, Antioxidant, Astringent, Sunscreen, Emollient 1-2
Centella Asiatica Extract
Skin conditioning, Anti-inflammatory 1
Salvia Officinalis Leaf Extract
Skin conditioning 1
Poncirus Trifoliata Fruit Extract
Skin conditioning 1
Anthemis Nobilis Flower Extract
Fragrance, Skin conditioning 2
Propylene Glycol
Solvent, Viscosity Control, Moisturizer 0 0 3
Disodium EDTA
Viscosity Control 1
Camellia Japonica Flower Extract
Skin conditioning, Emollient 1
Nelumbo Nucifera Flower Extract
Skin conditioning 1
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There are already so many amazing clay masks in the market, and I initially thought why should I invest in a clay mask that too for my dry skin, but since I am a big fan of Troiareuke ACSEN (ACne – SENsitive skin) line, I gathered my courage and bought this mask and I must say I am not at all disappointed as I loved and enjoyed every bit of it. In fact, from all the clay mask that I have used so far, this has suited best for my dry, sensitive and acne-prone skin. Wondering Why so???....
Read the full review on my Blog Post!..................

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