Formula: C6H10O3 Molecular Weight: 130.14 Cas No:599-04-2;79-50-5
Chemical formula
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Rating: GOOD
Benefits: Hydration
Categories: Humectant

✦ Synthetic humectant that helps maintain skin’s moisture
✦ Required to make the B vitamins panthenol and pantothenic acid
✦ Often found in blends with other hydrating ingredients
✦ Also used to make panthenol derivatives that help skin and hair

Pantolactone is a synthetic humectant that plays a role in maintaining skin’s moisture balance. This compound is also known as pantoyl lactone, and it is required for the creation of skin-beneficial B vitamins panthenol and pantothenic acid.

It is typically included as part of a blend with other cosmetic hydrating ingredients such as panthenol, glycerin, sodium hyaluronate, and/or various strains of yeast. These ingredients work together to keep skin hydrated and help it resist water loss.

Pantolactone is considered safe as used in cosmetics, where amounts tend to be 1% or less.

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